Monocle’s latest book will tell you where to find a top hotel—and also how to design or run your own. Both inspirational and packed with insight, it will be a must-have guide for the globally minded. Over the past decade, Monocle editors have been writing about—and staying in—plenty of hotels. They’ve put to the test everything from cosy inns in the backstreets of Beirut to cutting-edge offerings from international brands in New York, Tokyo and beyond. At the heart of everything has been one guiding principle: to find stop-ins that get the simple things right and understand the value of thoughtful hospitality.In this brand-new book, Monocle reveals not only its 100 favourite hotels but also how you could start number 101 on its list with a wealth of advice and insight into what owning and running a perfect establishment involves. From stunning photography and illustration to snappy essays and sharp observations, The MONOCLE Guide to Hotels, Inns and Hideaways delivers a complete review of everything from escapists' boltholes to third spaces for entrepreneurs.Monocle was launched by Tyler Brûlé in 2007 as a monthly magazine briefing on global affairs, business, culture, design, and much more. Today, Monocle is a complete, media brand with a suite of travel guides under its belt, a 24-hour radio station, a film-rich website, retail ventures around the globe, and cafés in Tokyo and London. Besides their London HQ they have seven international bureaux in New York, Toronto, Istanbul, Singapore, Tokyo, Zurich, and Hong Kong. At their core is the simple belief that there will always be a place for a print brand that is committed to telling fresh stories and sending photographers on assignments.
Manufacturer contact:
Die Gestalten Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
Mariannenstr. 9-10
10999 Berlin
The GESTALTEN publishing house strives to constantly rethink the way we approach we approach publishing. With their extensive range of titles, they aim not only to improve and enrich the lives of their readers and enrich their readers' lives, but also to continually engage with the surrounding creative landscape around them. Their genesis began with a focus on aesthetics, particularly graphic design, and over the past two decades, the over the past two decades, both its content and expertise have expanded. expanded. Today, they document and anticipate through a variety of observations of culture, people, art, and other intimate, inspirational informants, they document important movements in architecture, visual culture, design and fashion, escapism, food and drink, travel, and contemporary art.